IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Smoking kills injuries to health. A large number of people think that smoking cigarettes creates detrimental effects on the population whether first-hand smokers or second-hand smokers so there is only one way to stop sm
it is argued that some people think it is better to make cigarettes more banned in nations because of their bad impact on health and increasing the number of smokers.This essay totally agree with this point of view .
I'm not on the same page with the above suggestion. Making a ban on cigarettes all over the world, because experience has illustrated that this action can increase the amount of cigarette smuggling.
Smoking cigarettes is believed to have long-term detrimental effects on individuals and the community as a hold. Some people have an opinion that the sole way to deal with this problem is to prohibit the use of tobacco g
smoking has become a daily dose for everyone nowadays.everyone believes that so far it has had a negative impact on humans life.this essay will discuss why I agree to make cigarettes illegal worldwide and the reasons for
economic development is necessary for the country development.but I disagree with the statement that it is a way to end poverty.i agree with the statement that it is causing huge damage to the vast amount of resources av
The cigarette is a common bad nature for many people in our society. This ever - increasing bad habit can cause detrimental effects to the respiratory, not only smokers, but also for surrounding people as they inhale th
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