IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Before showcasing a piece of artwork, a museum does not have to see whether it is of national or international origin. People visit museums with the sole objective of discovering inspiring pieces of work and they are unl
An art museum is a great means to spread knowledge about the culture and heritage of a country. Some people think that museums should only display art from their own country while others disagree. I believe museums sho
Nowadays museums are one of the most popular attractions amongst the international tourists. It is crucial to decide whether they must exhibit art that reflects their own country or from different countries throughout th
Some people have a notion that museums should present the art which is popular across the globe,however some people prefer to think that museums should carry the heritage of their own country only. In this essay, I will
Some people will argue Museums should display only local art while a few others say that they should showcase global art. I agree with the people that we should showcase our own country's art.
Museum is place where all the artifacts are displayed which not only have a historical importance, but also represents the culture of the time they belong to. These act as a centre for tourist attractions where people fr
There is a longstanding debate that museums should demonstrate the art and culture which can represent their nations ethnicity and historical values. I agree that this will support in the provision of valuable informatio
There is a longstanding debate about the fact that few crowds acknowledge museums and skilled galleries to demonstrate works that depict the nation's ethnicity and historical values, rather than international skilled wor
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