IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Our life is surrounded by society and it is clear that every day people have conversations, small talks with neighbors and other types of communication. It is clear that we build our social environment attending a univer
In this modern technological era, museums and art galleries are one of the best tourist attracion for any nations, Numbers of individuals believed that, every nation should have to represent their own art and history wor
Our environment form our mind and the way we think about many questions. Every small talk with your friend or neighbor gives you thought-provoking conversations, which you can unconsciously analyze during a day. Thus, le
Nowadays almost everyone has a neighbour because the world is always more populated. In my humble opinion, a good neighbour must have some specific qualities, such as politeness and availability, but must be also coope
People live in different places, as some of us are residents of the countryside and others occupy apartments in large cities. Anyway, all of us have at least one neighbour. Therefore, it is important to define the essent
I think that my neighbour at least must be friendly. In the morning when I meet my neighbour he or she should greet me and wish me to have a great day. Also, it would be great if he did not smoke. I do not smoke and I do
To many people, having a good neighbour is crucial. In my opinion, good neighbours should have some qualities such as being supportive, helpful and respecting because their behaviour influences us. Everyone can benefit f
Neighbours are the people who live near us, and their behaviour influence our daily life. Good neighbours can make us feel comfortable and give us much help, and everyone will benefit from a good relationship among neigh
Neighbours are the people who live near us, and their behaviour influence our daily life. Good neighbours can make us feel comfortable and give us many help, and everyone will benefit from a good relationship among neigh
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