It is true that these days, the internet is as essential as any other crucial requirement of life. Therefore for ,many it is like an addiction as people remain 24/7 online due to their social networking platforms, google
In current times, the Internet holds a strong grip on people's minds and it is becoming more common as a situation. In this essay, I will talk about various causes that fuel this phenomenon and also the effects that aris
Internet addition is becoming more widespread to many people these days. This essay will examine the causes as well as the effects related to this tendency.
The Internet is one of the greatest inventions of technology. People are using it almost every second of their life. It is commonly seen that people are addicted to the internet. The main reason is that it is easily avai
These days, people are utilizing the Internet in absolutely every area of their lives, behaviour that is turning into an alarming addiction. There are several factors why such a phenomenon is occurring, and also some det
Internet addiction in this generation has become a very common phenomenon. Mostly we can notice this type addiction in kids who are in school and in adults as well.
In modern society Internet addiction has become a prevalent and publicly recognized phenomenon. There are a number of reasons behind this tendency and I would argue that it has a serious negative impact on society.