IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Many are of the opinion that environmental issues are greatly originated by the countries that are developing and becoming wealthier. However, I am largely in agreement with this perspective considering that other develo
Nowadays, one of the widely discussed and important topics is environmental issues such as pollution and climate change. Some people believe that it has occurred due to the material and wealth growth of state, and it has
Nowadays, one of the widely discussed and important topics is environmental issues such as pollution and climat change. Some people believe that it has occured due to material and wealth growth of countries, and it has n
Today we live in a era of continuously affecting environment. It is irrefutable that careless behaviour by the citizens are just focusing on getting richer without prioritising the environment distruction due to pollutio
Some people argue that to become prosperous, growing nations are responsible for contaminating the atmosphere and consider it is an unavoidable factor. This essay disagrees that a country cannot grow without creating pol
Some people argue that it is impossible for developing countries to further develop without damaging the environment. In their opinion, economic growth should be the first priority of the government. I do not agree with
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