IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Learning a foreign language helps in the exchange of ideas and culture between individuals and societies. However, should children learn a new language when they start going to school? While some feel that they should st
Some experts think that the best time for young people to learn a new language is at primary school. While this could bring many benefits and drawbacks. I believe that the advantages are far more than the disadvantages.
Being able to learn a foreign tongue, whether at an early age when children begin school or before secondary education has become a debatable issue nowadays. However, while some feel it would be beneficial if teenagers l
Being able to learn a foreign tongue, whether at an early age when children begin school or before the secondary education has become a debatable issue nowadays. However, while some feel it would be beneficial if teenage
Learning a different language other than our native by children is always remain a controversial topic. While some think that they should start learning when they reach at secondary level, I agree with those who believe
Introducing a foreign language very early in life at initiation of formal education is believed by some people to be more beneficial than later at secondary School. Both have their pros and cons which I will further disc
In today's globalised economy, the ability to speak a second dialect is more useful than ever before. While some believe that children should only start to learn a foreign vernacular at secondary school, I side with thos
In our modern sophisticated society, ability to speak foreign languages is highly valued more and more. However, while some believe that learning a foreign language should be introduced in elementary schools, I strongly
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