IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In today's world, there is ongoing debate about how best to punish people who break the law. Some opine that certain prisoners should engage in civic duty rather than go to jail. I completely agree with this viewpoint be
Many individuals believe that prisoners should be made to do unpaid community work instead of being put behind bars. I agree with the notion as they should be given a second chance to prove themselves.This essay shall di
Around the globe, pushiment is imposed on anyone found guilty of commiting a crime. However, some poeple argue that prison sentence should not be the final resolution to criminal acts rahter favour unpaid community work.
To agree or disagree with the above statement that, as a punishment, criminal should send behind the bars or should send for unpaid community work is an important issue.Putting the discussion in a wider context, punishme
Folks consider that humans who are in jail should get social function which is not payable and it is on the opposite of working in bars. From my perspective, this proposition is completely true.
The plights of those who commit crime have always been a burning topic for discussion. Among the many suggestions put forward by experts of criminology and social services, one of them that have the most of the public ba
It is a common belief that the people who commit a crime should not sentence a fine, they should work for the community. I will briefly explain this situation, supporting by rehabilitation of the prisoners.
It is believed by many that first-time law offenders and people involved in small crimes should work for society without any monitory gains rather than being incarcerated. I completely agree with this statement because i
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