IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There are controversial perspectives heating up a debate whether current news should consider an official subject in a classroom setting. While some people hold a strong view that it is no use in teaching international n
There are differing views regarding whether global news should be made a subject in secondary schools or not. In my view, making international headlines as a required subject in school is worth this, because it could ign
Education is the most powerful asset of a person . Educated youth is the backbone of the nation therefore parents are very concerned about their studies. In the midst of change , society has been divided into two groups
There are differing views regarding whether global news should be made a subject in secondary schools or not. In my opinion, making international headlines as a required subject in school is worth it, because it could ig
There is no doubt that these days students in the secondary school study diffrent subject too learn them and develop them becoming very popular worldwide. However, the question remains, is the international news as subj
It is thought that the pupils in secondary school have to be educated the international news as a major subject,whereas others claim that it is not necessary.In this essay, both points of view will be illustrated in ad
An array of masses believe that international news should be studied by secondary school aged pupils as a module whilst others say it wastes the time which can be invested for learning other subjects relevance to the cur
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