IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Many people consider that it is important for children to learn art at school, however, there are others who opine that it is totally a wastage of student's study time. In my opinion, art is certainly as important as any
Art has been the indispensable part of the human civilization from the stone age. Without art man look like a rainbow without colours. Presently some masses of the society assert that art is a crucial subject for childre
Art is a very important part of humanity’s history, and it can be found anywhere from the walls of caves in the halls of museums. While some believe that learning art in school is not important, I side with those who fee
There is no doubt that art education can play a vital role in the overall development of a child. Although some believe that including art in their curriculum is not worth their time. I would argue that it is a necessary
Nowadays art is taught in schools to young children. While a section of people believes that studying art is good for children whereas another section believes that it is nothing but wastage of time. This essay will disc
While it is often thought that having art as a crucial subject in school curriculum, many people believe it is not worth spending time on studying it. In my opinion, it depends on the age of children to determine whether
There is a section of society that considers it absolutely necessary to teach students art related subjects at school. On the other hand, some are of the view that art related subjects are frivolous, futile and unproduct
There is a section of society that considers it absolutely necessary to teach students art related subjects at school. However, on the other hand, some are of the view that art related subjects are frivolous, futile and
In some people's opinion, art should be noticed at school curriculum, while others think art is time wasting subject at school. To my way of thinking, art is a significant subject to thriving children's talents. Both vie
Although art is recognized as a versatile subject around the world, there are people who think that it is an important subject for children at school, others argue that it is a waste of their time. I agree with the forme
Although art is recognized as a versatile subject around the world, there are people who think that it is important subject for children at school, others argue that it is a waste of their time. I agree with former argum
Nowadays, people have different views about children studying art in school. While some consider it an important subject, others believe it is totally unnecessary. In my opinion, art is vital for the educational developm
Nowadays, parents are very unyielding about the necessity of the subjects their children are learning. Some believe that it is an essential course for their child to learn at school, while some are strong in their belief
Some opine that paintings, drawings, and sculptures are essential courses for every youngster in study whilst others believe that these are not necessary. Although some arts like music and films may provide a luxurious l
Although some people believe that art is an indispensable part of the syllabus for children at school, whereas others opine that it is wastage of their time. However, both have their own pros and cons. Therefore, this es
Art is way for people to express their feelings and creativity to others. Some people consider art is crucial subject for youngsters at school while opponents argue that it is a timepass. This essay will discuss both sid
There is no doubt that art education can play a vital role in the overall development of a child. Although some believe that including this including art in their curriculum is not worth their time, I would argue that it
It's argued that Art should be mandadory for children at educational institutes. Against this ideia, There are some who claim that it would be waste of time. This essays is going to disscuss both ideias and choose which
Art is a form of life. While many people today think that art as a subject in school is a waste of time, there are plenty who believe that it is an essential subject for kids at school. I strongly believe that art truly
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