IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is disputed that whether Olympics games help developing relationships between nations or they are not cost-effective and money should be spent on other things. This writer will discuss in both two points of view and e
Many individuals believe that the Olympic games are exciting events that bridge the gap between different nations while others think that the Olympics leads to a waste of money and it is better to spend on other things.
It is a common belief that Olympic games are a waste of money and they feel better when spending money on other things which will have more benefits. This essay agrees that Olympic games will bring other countries togeth
Many individuals believe that Olympic games are interesting festivals which bring other countries together. Other people think that the Olympics is a waste of resources which is better to spend on another thing. This wri
Presently, there is an ongoing debate on whether governments should or should not invest much money in Olympics. It is the opinion of writer that Olympics games play an important role in bridging the gap, but its money s
It is a common belief that Olympics Games is a waste of money and they feel better when spent money on other things will have more benefit. This essay agrees with opinion that Olympics Games will bring other countries to
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