IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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These days, there are a number of opportunities for students to study abroad and participate in international exchange programs. It has a lot of advantages for students, as they can improve their language skills and gain
Few of the mentors believe that arranging international student programs proves fruitful for our young generations who are school-going. However, I say that it has both positive and negative sides but the pros are more p
Over the past few decades, the world has evolved and changed substantially in many ways, which resulted in various modes of teaching programmes and strategies. Some teachers believe that foreign student exchange plans wo
There is no doubt that the adolescence stage is vital for properly raising teenagers. Many schools support global student transfer programs because of their view that these activities would be healthy for all teenage stu
Nowadays, the popularity of exchange programs grows steadily. Thus, the question if there are more downsides than benefits in such programs, is incredibly relevant. But I assume that studying abroad in a host family give
Nowadays, the popularity of exchange programs grows steadily. Thus, the question if there are more downsides than benefits in such programs, is incredible relevant. But I assume that study abroad in host family gives you
Preceptors believe on student's studying in abroad where they will get more opportunities than studying in local areas. From my perspective, although there are lots of disadvantages in participating in international stud
Owing to the scientific and technological advancements across the globe, many educational institutions in developing and underdeveloped countries thrive to cater the students with adequate skills. Many teachers believe t
Many teachers hold the view that international exchange programs would bring benefits to all teenage school students. It is felt that although such programs can be disadvantageous to students to a certain extent, the adv
Many teachers hold the view that international exchange programs would bring benefits to all teenage school students. In my opinion, although such programs can be disadvantageous to students to a certain extent, I believ
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