IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is believed that learners should spend their own money on their personal education due to the benefits that the university provides focusing on them only instead of society.This author completely disagrees with this s
People have different viewpoints about the cost of university education which is a controversial discussion point. This writer argues that they should pay the full cost on their own because it will benefit students.
There is an argumentative idea that should admission be fully responsible for their own learning due to the opinion that education at university benefits society less than individuals. This writer totally agrees with the
Getting high-level education tends to be prohibitive expensive for pupils and their parents. The root of this issues can be stemmed from three areas of social, and the answers to this problem also can be. In this essay
Nowadays,many individuals tell students and families can not afford academic education fees.I think maintenance of buildings and types of equipment at the academy and increasing tutorial price were caused this condition
In today's competitive market, where your education is a most important aspect of getting a job in a multi National Company. So attaining a University-level has become almost important for students. It is a dream for ma
The cost of obtaining a higher education has become luxurious for many people, preventing them from getting a University degree. This essay will look into the of this issue, as well as suggest some solutions.
Cost of studying in University seems to become luxurious for many people, preventing those from getting a higher education. This essay will explain the reasons for such an issue occurring, as well as provide solutions fo
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