IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Many teachers hold the view that international exchange programs would bring benefits to all teenage school students. In my opinion, although such programs can be disadvantageous to students to a certain extent, I believ
There are many programs organised by schools and one of them is an international student exchange program through which one country's student visiting another country and exchange many things like education, culture, hob
Some would argue that exchange program benefit to all adolescent students. While, there is a possibility of students misbehavior due to freedom away from home. However, I believe that student’s get an opportunity to expl
It is clear that the recent debate on whether a cross-border educational program is beneficial to students remains controversial. Although such a project may be disadvantageous in some certain extents, I would contend th
Many mentors hold the view that cross-cultural exchange program would bring advantageous benefits to all student. From my perspective, disadvantageous though such program can be, they can not undermine the advantages.
There is a common belief that international student exchange programs would bring benefits to all participants. Despite those programs’ disadvantages, I believe that they cannot undermine the advantages.
Many mentors hold the view that cross-cultural exchange program would bring advantageous benefit to all student. From my perspective, disadvantageous though such program can be, I totally admit that the benefit is much m
It is believed by some teachers that all teenage school students would benefit a great deal from foreign exchange programmes. Despite some drawbacks of this idea, I think that the benefits are more significant.
In this modern age, overseas exchange of student are prevalent due to various reason such as better learning environment and increased student out put. This has given rise to the fervid questions 'should it be encouraged
Thanks to the development of globalization, young generations now have opportunities to interact with foreign peers. While it is true that this activity brings many merits for teenagers in terms of self-improvement, I be
These days, many teachers argue that all secondary school pupils should take part in international exchange programs because of their significant advantages. While some people claim that this trend could bring several dr
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