IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Tourism has transformed in recent years, since it is easier for people to travel to different tourist places. and as a result, quiet and peaceful places are full of people, these changes have a positive or negative impac
Traveling is one of the great pleasures of mankind, getting to know distant and remote places in the world is the purpose of a vacation. Nowadays, it is much easier to discover places that were previously known only to
Nowadays, people are keen to explore different new attractions when travelling, and places there were relatively unpopular before have become new attractions. This is a positive development which can lead promote local e
Traveling to different places can be an amazing experience for life, globalization permits people to have access to many countries and singular places, being a possibility to learn a new culture or language, as well as m
Nowadays, travelling is becoming an essential lifestyle. People are eager to discover more places all around the world. Tourism brings new chances to many locations, whereas leads to other problems during the same time.
The graph shows the amount of cotton tied. And the growth of the markets of various countries by leading countries, 5 countries between 2004 to 2018
A highly controversial issue in the contemporary world today relates to whether Tourists should be adventurous and travel to niche places to gain a sense of spiritual satisfaction and the thrill of the experience.A secti
A highly controversial issue in the contemporary world today relates to whether Tourists should be adventurous and travel to niche neighborhoods to gain a sense of spiritual satisfaction and the thrill of the experience.
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