IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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How's it going? It's been a long time since we last saw each other. I am writing this to invite you to, guess what?, my wedding. I know you must be getting real excited after reading this. This special day is going to be
I hope you are doing well. I am writing this letter to invite you to my wedding, which is going to be held on December 1,2023. You will definitely have to join us on that day; that is why I informed you in advance about
It has been a long time since we saw each other, what’s up? The last time that we spoke on your cellphone, your mother had a little sore throat, is she better at the moment?
It is a long time we do not see each other, what’s up? The last time that we spoke with cellphone, your mother was a little sore throat, is she better at the moment?
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing this letter to invite you to my Wedding which will be taking place next month. I will be happy to have you that day.
Hope this letter finds you in radiant health and the best of spirits. I am writing this letter to formally invite you to my marriage which is decided to be held on 1 st March. You will be having a great time enjoying al
I hope this letter finds you in the pink of your health. I am writing you this letter to invite you to my marriage ceremony, which will be held on 6th March, 2023 in Ahmedabad. My fiance's name is Bhavesh Jani, He is doi
I hope you are doing well. It has been so long since we met. I am so excited while writing to you, as I am getting married to my love. He is working with me in the same IT company and we have been in a relationship for t
Hope this letter finds you in radiant health and the best of spirits. I have a surprise for you that I am getting married on the 28th of January and I am writing this letter to invite you to the wedding. You are always w
I hope you and your family are doing well. I am very glad to inform you that I am going to get married and I’m writing this letter to invite you for this occasion.
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