IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The main endeavour of writing this letter is to express my concerns with my hostel accommodation which I have been sharing with other three students. Our room is on the first floor and the room number is G-702. I have be
My name is Zannatul Firdaus, I am working at your office as an Accounts Officer. Today I am writing this letter to inform you that, I want some time off from my work, as I am going to be busy for the next few days.
I am writing this letter to request you for 15 days leave off work starting from 14th January because my exams are in the coming week. Furthermore, there are high chances of me securing the first position in the univers
I am writing requesting the time off work to attend in my son’s graduated celebration. Of course, I know we are dealing with many tasks in this time of year but, I promise I will recover it.
I am writing to you to request a short time off next Monday. I need to run an errand and I will be back in the office afterwards. My teammate will help to cover my work while I am away.
I am writing this letter to request you to grant my leave of absence for 5 days. As you are well aware that I was not able to visit my parents who reside in Mumbai last month as we were was dealing with a project deadlin
Dear Ankita, I am writing this letter to request to grant my leave of absence for 2 days .I.e. 20 and 22nd of November to travel to Mumbai. I have planned to accompany my parents who reside in Mumbai and spend some qua
Good day, I am Enola Holmes, working as an assistant manager, I am writing this letter in regards to the vacation leave that I applied last week.
I am writing this letter to apply leaves for 2 weeks from coming Monday. As, my eye surgery is scheduled for next week which is pending from the past two years.
I am Charlie James, one of the employees of your company, inscribing this epistle to inform you about the request to change the schedule of my work from full-time to part-time.
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