IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing to promote myself for a new supervisor position in our advertising company as you are looking for one who can help you reorganise our office.
I am writing in connection with applying for the supervisor position for which you are searching. I am keen on this position. Owing to my strong qualifications, I think I am a qualified candidate for this role. In additi
I am Writing in connection with applying for the supervisor position for which you are searching. I think I am a qualified candidate because of strong qualifications. In addition, I believe these fruitful experiences sui
Hope i reached to you. I am wriitng this letter to you as i came to know that our management is lookign for a supervisor who can take control of the work at the front desk, i know summers are comming and we will be busy
I am writing to let you know my interest in the newly announced supervisor position in our department. Since I spent nearly 10 years as a manager assistant I finished many projects for the company and I would like to be
Iam writing to let you know my interest in the promotion which has been announced earlier by our department for supervisor post. And since i spended 10 years in the department as manager assisstance, also I manage to be
I am writing this letter to express my interest about a new job vacancy at our department. I would like to describe myself and tell you about my experience.
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