Big salary is much more important than job satisfaction. Do you agree or disagree? Provide relevant example

It is believed that large wage is more significant than being satisfied.
, I completely disagree with
statement and I think that anyone might get a big salary if they like what they do.
of all, a feeling of satisfaction after performing work makes you happier.
In other words
, if a person like what he does, he will feel himself more psychologically comfortable.
For instance
, according to the studies of the American National Academy lively human gets fifty percent more income than others.
In addition
, a happy individual realizes himself in his life and have work-life balance. He or she performs better at the workplace rather than human who, works for money without any pleasure. In the result companies make more revenues and increase salaries.
, job fulfilment is more valuable and important than just earn a lot of money.
, a man, who satisfied, makes more progress than human, who works for money.
In other words
, when an employee is dedicated, he thinks out of the box and produces more ideas and improvements. Steve Jobs,
for example
, is someone, who was
and did everything with great dedication. Jobs became the richest man in the world, because of his attitude to his responsibilities and his aim to get gratification. So, work fulfilment might make a person to become wealthy and grows by career ladder. To conclude, high income is not more crucial than job pleasure. I think that big salary and job satisfaction is strongly tied. If anyone gets work enjoyment, he or she will get high income afterwards.
Submitted by gulbakhyt_90 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • remuneration
  • financial security
  • motivation
  • luxuries
  • material possessions
  • fulfillment
  • work-life balance
  • stress levels
  • mental well-being
  • job security
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