It is an undeniable fact that, getting a reputed job is very essential these days. Some people think that, acquiring university education is the key to earn it. While, I argue that, it is enhancing soft skills and gaining experience
that is
far more important.
Education is indeed the road to a successful life. It is the tool by which a Linking Words
can earn an honourable position, not only in the workplace but the society as well. Use synonyms
For example
, many of the renowned organizations like IBM and banks Linking Words
as Standard Chartered prefer appointing people who are well-qualified. Linking Words
is because their priority is to attain topmost rank among their competitors. For Linking Words
purpose, they recruit well-educated people who happen to be more disciplined and Linking Words
, play a major role to take these firms to the Linking Words
Linking Words
On the contrary
, I believe that, experience is the quality which is more superior in making a Linking Words
capable of gaining a respectable profession. Use synonyms
is because, no matter how well-qualified a Linking Words
is, if he has no skills to perform his job, all the knowledge is in vain. Use synonyms
For instance
, an architect with no talent of designing does not appear to be useful for his company. Linking Words
, a surgeon who does not have the slightest idea of holding a scalpel and performing surgeries is no use to the patients. Linking Words
poor performance in the respective fields, defames the companies and hospitals in which Linking Words
people are employed, and they ultimately face the consequences in the form of unemployment.
To conclude, education is no doubt mandatory for a Linking Words
to enter the professional life, but I firmly believe that, the best way to get a job is to develop finest skills and experience. Because without these Use synonyms
traits knowledge
is of no use.Suggestion
traits, knowledge
trait knowledge
trait trait knowledge