Characteristics and abilities of men are different from women so that men can do some jobs better than women and vice versa. My personal belief that every work is done well with both men and women.
From the distant past to the present day, men always have a better physical strength than women
that is
why men do the hard work very well Linking Words
as mechanic, engineer, doctor, …. Linking Words
In other words
, they have not only clear-headed but Linking Words
brave that why in case of emergency they can make a quicker decision. Linking Words
For example
, if the doctor has difficult choices to save their patients, he will think very fast and give the best choice, which has a better result for their patients.
Linking Words
, Linking Words
women are not as strong as men, they work with better great care and meticulous and patient than men. What in the Linking Words
place me with the agreement that women always keep their house cleaning and their luggage in order so that it created a good habit for them which helps them do their jobs carefully. Linking Words
For instance
, women can be good teachers because they are patient to wait for their students until they understand the lesson. Linking Words
, girls are very Linking Words
at doing embroidery in lieu of men because the masterpiece needs to be done with the meticulous.
In conclusion, men do some jobs better than women and others by women. In the near future, women can do as well as men, despite of different characteristics and abilities.Suggestion
minh irving