Write a letter to a manager whose company is constructing their new office next to your apartment. - Introduce yourself - Describe problems you are facing because of this - Suggest solutions

Dear Sir, My name is Jane and I am living in the Paradise Apartment where your new office is under construction. I am writing
letter to draw your attention to the
Fix the agreement mistake
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of issues which we are currently facing because of construction work. The main problem is the limited car parking space. As there are a large number of bricks and cement bags
Unnecessary verb
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placed in front of my house,
, it is difficult to park the vehicle.
, every day we are facing trouble with sewage blocking with which wastewater flows on the streets and there is a chance of accident and
foul smell comes which is intolerable.
week, my neighbour’s bike slipped over the drained water and he was injured badly. I recommend you please put the bricks and cement bags into the vacant place which is located outside of our apartment. For wastewater, kindly dig the ground away from the houses where you can store the wastewater so that the sewage will be unblocked and water flows through smoothly.
, everyone can drive safely through the street. It would be great if you look into
matter and take immediate steps to eradicate these problems. I am looking forward to your prompt reply. Yours Sincerely, Jane
Submitted by Navpreet Kaur on

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coherence cohesion
Ensure each paragraph focuses on a single idea and maintains a logical flow from one paragraph to the next.
coherence cohesion
Use a more formal and appropriate greeting and closing for a business letter.
task achievement
Address all the required points specified in the prompt to fully achieve the task response.
task achievement
Maintain a formal and professional tone appropriate for a business letter.
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