Some people say that parents should encourage their children to take part in organised group activities in their free time. Others say that it is important for children to learn how to occupy themselves on their own. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Involving in teamwork is thought by some parents to be beneficial for their juveniles, while others disagree with
practice and argue that, children should learn to manage their leisure
on their own. In my opinion, I believe that guardians should encourage their children to get involved in group activities rather than working alone for their overall betterment. On the one hand, a portion of the society says that young children should learn to keep themselves busy without any external intervention. By doing
, children will figure out what their hobbies are, and where they can perform well apart from academics because children will push their boundaries and apply themselves wholeheartedly;
as a result
help them in raising the confidence level and believing in themselves. According to a study conducted by the Child Welfare Organization India, revealed that children who are fully responsible for their academics, play, and extracurricular activities are far more likely to become a fully confident and self-dependent citizen later in life.
, parents accord that children should learn to manage things on their own since childhood.
On the other hand
, I agree with the people who consider that pupils should learn to work in a
during their free
because of its multifarious benefits.
practice provides a platform for adolescents, where they can interact with others, which would
help them in solving a problem as a
, and their communication skills would
improve. Undoubtedly, these soft skills are the foundation of a bright career;
, every child should learn these skills from a tender age. In
competitive world,
for example
, the majority of organizations have different interview rounds, where potential candidates have to showcase their communication and
management skills to secure a position.
, the opinion to work in a group is justifiable. To conclude,
our society is divided into two groups based on their opinions about whether children should interact with others in their free
or they should enjoy their free
with their own company, I personally in the favour of
engagement activities because of its long term benefits.
Submitted by aj534160 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • encourage
  • occupied
  • organized
  • group activities
  • benefits
  • social
  • teamwork skills
  • interpersonal skills
  • friendship
  • discipline
  • time management
  • interests
  • hobbies
  • independent play
  • creativity
  • problem-solving skills
  • self-reliance
  • explore
  • discover
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