Some people get into debt by buying things they don’t need and can’t afford. What are the reasons for this behaviour? What action can be taken to prevent people from having this problem?

Modern society has changed and people want to look fancy, buying always the new entry in the market. Making
a choice, it could lead to debt, even though a
can't afford an item, he can get a loan to purchase, and afterwards, it could be useless. I would like to talk about the reasons behind it and what others could do to stop you from buying no proper articles.
, I would say
that is
based on the concept of being cooler and fancier that other people,
as friends.
For instance
, buying a new car is a fooled action than a huge number of guys have made. To show off the new AUDI without even paid half of it. For girls is the same story, they get into debt by buying new
Correct your spelling
cloths from major brands.
as Gucci or Dior. Nowadays, a
Change the verb form
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more about what others see outside than who the
really is.
, preventing is a decision that banks need to assess. Your bank should evaluate your average income whenever it would be worth to get a new luxury good or not.
On the other hand
, preventing the purchase is not an interest of banks.
, the government should take into account
situation and try to create new rules to avoid useless loans. In conclusion, I would say that the problem is at the root of our society, Changing the idealogy of a rich guy could prevent stupid and meaningless contracts. Maybe the future would be different and a
would care more about himself than what others are thinking about him.
Submitted by massimo.bertocchi on

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