Employers sometimes ask people applying for jobs for personal information such as their hobbies and interests, and whether they are married or single. Some people say that this information is relevant and useful while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Many hiring managers enquire about an applicant's personal data which is regarding their leisure activities, likes, dislikes as well as about their marital status. Many people argue that these discussions are irrelevant while others belief these details are important to know. In my opinion, it is quite relevant for an employer to know these things as they have a direct impact on an employee's performance as well as it can be useful in deciding a career path of an employee. Undoubtedly, in almost every company
details are considered while selecting a suitable fit for a vacant position.
, almost everyone mentions
information in their resume,
clearly shows it holds importance. Many people believe a person's hobbies and interests shows his unique personality and if he can do multi-tasking or can handle tough situations at the job.
For example
, if an individual manages to go to a gym daily, he clearly knows how to manage his time well.
, in a report published in a newspaper stated that single employees are more productive and can successfully deliver the project more efficiently than a married worker.
In addition
, they can contribute to social or sports events.
, we all know that educational qualification and work experience of an individual is a more crucial factor in the selection for a job.
For instance
, if the person was doing similar tasks in his previous job, the chances are good that he will perform better.
, he should definitely love his work to be more productive. In conclusion, it is clear that an employer considers many factors while hiring a suitable character.
, he asks for data other than education or experience to understand you better or if you will fit the organisation on all levels as in a workplace you will find people coming from different background and religions. It is
a fact that people with many skills are preferred more for an opening.
Submitted by kapil.gulliya on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • job application
  • personal information
  • hobbies and interests
  • marital status
  • relevant
  • useful
  • privacy
  • assessing candidates
  • qualifications
  • experience
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