Nowadays, many folks tend to purchase more items beyond their needs. Thanks to the easiness of online shopping, and the use of credit card's facilitation, they can make purchases that don't match their wants nor their budgets. The main motive behind
behaviour is the hidden need to appear in a higher social status so the crowd can feel more satisfied. Linking Words
In addition
, it comes as a stress reliever from day to day pressure.
Psychological needs are the main forces that motivate humans to do certain behaviours. The media has raised the bar of competition between people to an unprecedented level in terms of beauty, power and status. Linking Words
, individuals are always competing to gain the better, the higher and more things to show up more beautiful, more powerful. Linking Words
For example
, A middle-class person can go into debt to buy a car to show his status level in the town. It ends up being frustrated and unhappy with the whole community.
Stress is another main reason behind Linking Words
a phenomenon. we are all living in a highly competitive world where worry is dominant. That's why humans tend to alleviate Linking Words
pressure through different techniques like unnecessary eating or buying commodities so their brains can get the reward and forget about that anxiety. Linking Words
For instance
, A teenager who is always stressed due to his study or appearance can go for shopping to escape his reality towards a more rewarding lifestyle.
Awareness is the key to solve Linking Words
challenge. So, Raising the consciousness of the community to make only conscious choices in purchasing can be an effective solution. Linking Words
, limiting the use of credit cards so that people can only buy what they can afford. In conclusion, Making extra purchases are common in today's world to release tension and gain a higher level in the community. Yet, it can be managed through capping the debts and educating the public about the right way to buy items only in need.Linking Words