Car ownership has increased so rapidly over the past thirty years that many cities in the world are now ‘one big traffic jam.’ How true do you think this statement is? What measures can governments take to discourage people from using their cars?

Buying a
is progressively increasing over the
three decades that has resulted in a major problem of traffic jams in many world cities. I am of the opinion that there are several reasons that have led to
trend and governments across the globe should take appropriate measures to curb the use of private cars.
essay will discuss both these aspects in a brief. Nowadays, convenience is an important factor that decides many buying decisions. The ease of commuting at your own time without compromising your privacy is one of the big reasons people aspire to purchase a
For instance
, in today's fast-pacing times, because many professionals have stretched working hours, they prefer to go to workplaces at their own convenient time.
, purchasing an automobile has become very affordable due to flexible payments and seasonal discounts offered by the companies.
phenomenon has converted the city roads into 'a big
factory'. The impact is no longer limited only to air pollution but it
has increased impatience amongst citizens. It is an alarming scenario that should be addressed quickly by taking the appropriate steps by governments.
For example
, there is a need to focus more on the development of other modes of transport
as public transport.
, stricter bans should be imposed on old vehicles to check the carbon levels emitting from them; by doing so, at least they can be moved off from the roads. To conclude, the trend of purchasing a personal vehicle is resulting in jam situations in many major cities across the world. The primary causes are convenience and affordability in owning a
, with the help of policymakers' intervention,
trend can be slowed down eventually.
Submitted by krv.vaibhav on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • traffic congestion
  • air pollution
  • noise pollution
  • quality of life
  • economic losses
  • public transportation
  • congestion charge
  • carpooling
  • pedestrian-friendly
  • urban planning
  • incentives
  • electric car usage
  • environmental impact
  • dependency on cars
  • fuel wastage
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