Some people think that instead of preventing climate change, we need to find a way to live with it. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Certain groups of people believe that rather than mitigating the
crisis we should accept it. I extremely disagree with
statement because there is still a solution to
problem and it’s not too late to tackle
issue. Admitting the reality of
breakdown is being ignored and it does not cope with the human impact accurately. From the past to nowadays, humanity has faced various catastrophes that occurred from
change. It is obvious that humans cannot conquer mother nature.
For example
, the tsunami event in 2004 happening in Thailand killed a tremendous amount of people, buildings were swept away, and the Thai economy was annihilated. Recently, flooding in Germany, that caused by intense rainfall, was
influenced by global warming. These phenomena show the severe effects of the natural calamities which originated from temperature emergencies.
, we can expect more
events in the future if we still overlook the significance of
issues. Not to mention that our actions are a burden to the
generation in the worst way. Since the change in Earth's usual temperature is not a trifling matter,
it is literally impossible to redress it by one person or a few individuals. It is a case that humanity must work cooperatively before it is too late. At
moment, the majority of society start to the see how importance of humidity variation and how it going to impact us more intense than in the past when the government began to take action on it. Some countries legalize the protection of the environment and it has a wide effect since everyone has to follow the laws.
not every person could change the legislation by themselves, there are countless easily methods to take care of our nature
as reducing plastic uses, using alternative energy, awareness valuable of goods, using public transport to decrease pollution, and go on. In conclusion, disregarding the problem does not help anything but make it worse. Working together and do our best to heal and protect nature is the answer.
Submitted by pchetchotsak on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • climate change
  • prevent
  • adaptation
  • mitigation
  • cope with
  • effects
  • shift
  • mindset
  • lifestyle
  • balance
  • invest
  • research
  • technology
  • crucial
  • education
  • awareness
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