Some people feel that entertainers (e.g. film stars, pop musicians, or sports stars) are paid too much money. Do you agree or disagree? Which other types of job should be highly paid?

It is widely known that people who work in the entertainment industry
as movie stars, music makers, or athletes are highly paid. In fact, I strongly agree with that.
, there are other kinds of occupations that should be getting a higher salary than they receive today due to the nature of work.
To begin
with, entertainers are categorized among one of the best-paid professions in most countries. They receive money from both producers and brand sponsors,
for instance
, Christian Ronaldo was given billions of dollars for showing up in the latest advertisement with a well-known hair care brand.
, musicians whose albums become hit worldwide will get a tremendous amount of offers for collaboration with products,
, they
can receive a percentage of the profit generated from the business.
, it is accurate that actors, song makers, and football players are highly appreciated when it comes to their salaries.
On the other hand
, there are more important, but unfortunately less appreciated professions
as health care workers and science researchers. Despite their jobs are constantly facing risk, the salaries given are half the money given to employees in other careers.
For example
, in Indonesia, doctors in public hospitals are paid less than artists, and researchers are sometimes only paid by the grants available.
, even though these people bring significant impact to society, their financial worth is underestimated. In conclusion, I agree that in fact entertainers are paid too much compared to any other risky jobs
as health worker or researchers. I believe those roles should be paid more than what they currently receive,
, the government should take any action to increase the salary of all jobs that affect society.
Submitted by cahyani.a.dewi on

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