Nowadays, the environmental conditions become worse which impact
the earth and other creatures because of the people unscientific process.A certain number of the public believe that the occasion was delayed already to repatriate the things like old days.Change preposition
essay will studyLinking Words
Change preposition
topic as detailed in the following paragraphs and my opinion will be noted in the conclusion.
Linking Words
and foremost,the entire world struggles to live in the weather situation turns as pathetic compared with past decades since the unethical things made by the society for their lives.Linking Words
,it has been affecting the natural resources deprived as bad.Linking Words
For instance
,as per the new survey,the Amazon forest boundaries becoming Linking Words
year by year due to cutting the trees and mining in Wrong verb form
an unlawful ways
.Correct the article-noun agreement
an unlawful way
unlawful ways
,the flora and fauna have been losing their habitat since man used these areas to make Linking Words
an inhabited places
to live through Correct the article-noun agreement
an inhabited place
inhabited places
machines and other explosive things.Even though, the population is increasing everywhere which doesn't sense to destroy uninhabited lands to survive.
Correct article usage
On the other hand
,a number of the communities debates that it's not an easy task to bring back the pleasant atmosphere in normal way since most of the places seen as dirty than the past days and the healthy resources became unhealthy in these days.Linking Words
For example
,In Linking Words
the rainy season is normally for three months in a calendar year but now it has changed tragically to six to eight months and it causes many problems creating Add a comma
as floods and landslides for the Linking Words
couple of years.Several experts still think that it is possible to stop if the government and the families come forward to save the nation by themselves.
In conclusion, we are already late to take necessary actions to catch the old earth and our gifted resources immediately to avoid abolition of Linking Words
time and the authorities must take indeed steps and the implementation of the plans to create a good future.Linking Words