Employers sometimes ask people applying for jobs for personal information, such as their hobbies and interests, and whether they are married or single. Some people say that this information may be relevant and useful. Others, however, disagree. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Some people find it unnecessary that recruiting companies normally request personal information from applicants whereas others think
data is important. In
essay, I will discuss how useful
information is and offer my opinion in the conclusion.
, things like marital status, hobbies and interests can help the company identify individuals that match the job and agency's profile. A company may be interested in a mature person, say for a managerial position or an out-going one for a marketing post. Where else can they look except in the CVs of job candidates to see what things they like and their ages?
For instance
, a cousin of mine was recently selected ahead of candidates with brilliant transcripts and certificates for a telemarketer task in a foreign company simply because she held a community outreach leader post at our local church.
On the other hand
, these qualities do not reflect the entire picture of the persona of an individual. The fact that someone is married does not mean they are mature and being a community outreach leader does not necessarily reflect that you are outgoing. In fact, some lie in their CVs and interviews alike just to get jobs
as one communication studies professor who was continuously ridiculed at my college for failing to express himself in English despite claiming to have been in the debate clubs of his erstwhile schools. In conclusion,
, whereas personal information may be relevant and useful for companies, I argue that it may not be necessary given the fact that it does not show the whole picture and
, certain individuals tend to lie about themselves just to secure employment. These issues were discussed above.

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • job application
  • personal information
  • hobbies and interests
  • marital status
  • relevant
  • useful
  • privacy
  • assessing candidates
  • qualifications
  • experience
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