It is important for children to learn the difference between right and wrong at an early age. Punishment is necessary to help them learn this distinction. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? What sort of punishment should parents and teachers be allowed to use to teach good behaviour to children?

It is essential for toddlers to educate the difference between positive and negative actions.
In addition
, certain ways of discipline assist children to understand
a distinction. From my point of view, it cannot be denied that both statements are composed of a fraction of the truth.
, I am going to reflect on
essay my own view of
an issue and discuss the listed above statements. On the one hand, children should understand which repercussions may be from their actions.
, what is needed to improve the understanding are certain social lessons.
of all, toddlers acquire these lessons throughout the nurturing process.
For instance
, mom or dad can explain to children what is right or what is wrong.
, teachers and psychologists play a significant part in a child’s life in society and can provide various lessons, which help teenagers to understand possible ramifications from their actions.
On the other hand
, some experts admit that punishment can be a more effective way of discipline. As far as I am concerned,
a method of nurture exists among families.
For instance
, a mother or a father can forbid their offspring to play computers games because of his dreadful behaviour.
, it can be spotted violence in families and I suggest that
a practice can impact negatively on a kid.
, some methods of punishment should be averted. To sum up, I would stress that having made these points, we can infer that parents and teachers must decide upon for themselves which approaches of nurture are more effective.
In addition
, what parents should do is composed of using different ways to explain to a child what he did. In my opinion, a talk with scion can be a more effective approach, rather than serious discipline.
Submitted by sunsistem123 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • punishment
  • positive reinforcement
  • consequences
  • time-outs
  • removal of privileges
  • open communication
  • clear expectations
  • consistency
  • fairness
  • disciplinary action
  • proportionate
  • moral values
  • internalization
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