Some people say History is one of the most important school subjects . Other people think that, in today's world , subjects like science and technology are more important than history. Discuss both views and give your opinion .

Some people that one of the most significant subjects at school is
,many opine that
is not more important than science and technology. From my point of view ,I believe that
is exactly crucial and studying it should be increased.
,in my opinion ,one of the most essential subjects that all students should learn is the past of our universe .
For example
,in some historical countries around the globe ,people learn all items related to their ancestors
as their options and decisions. It means that when humans decide to upgrade their knowledge about
they definitely know what were the mistakes.
could cause avoiding to repeat these wrong behaviours that our grandparents have conducted.
makes it clear those who do not have a desire to study
subject are wrong.
By contrast
,others believe that other kinds of school subjects are more significant.
For instance
,we all know in
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modern world technology and science are the most practical fields of study. There is no denying that humans are exerting these all the time and our lives are dependent on technology and science.
means the population of the world can not survive without these things but without learning
is possible.
As a result
,it becomes apparent there is a conspicuous reason behind each claim via societies. To summarise ,I personally believe that
is crucial to learn and the courses related to
should be rose. It is predicted that to procced improving our knowledge about
field we will avoid many of our ancestors' mistakes
all the population in the world will live better than
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past in the near future.
Submitted by maede.sadeghi8520 on

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Task Achievement
For Task Response, ensure to fully address all aspects of the prompt including discussing both views and stating your opinion clearly. Provide more balanced arguments for each side before presenting your opinion.
Coherence and Cohesion
For Coherence and Cohesion, work on organizing your ideas more effectively with clearer topic sentences and transitions between paragraphs. Ensure a stronger conclusion that summarizes your arguments and restates your opinion.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • crucial
  • comprehend
  • retrospect
  • gain insights
  • reflect on
  • sharpen
  • evaluate
  • significance
  • heritage
  • legacy
  • advent
  • breakthroughs
  • sustain
  • sustainability
  • revolutions
  • empowered
  • overcome
  • transform
  • advancements
  • collaboration
  • cooperation
  • diversity
  • fulfilling
  • promote
  • facilitate
  • prosperity
  • enhance
  • foster
  • foundation
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