Nowadays Many People Choose To Be Self-Employed, Rather Than To Work For A Company Or Organization. Why Might Be The Case? What Could Be The Disadvantages Of Being Self-Employed?
Self-Employed is considered to be an uprising trend in the present time especially among the young generation. Several factors are expected to be the primary causes of
situation. Meanwhile, some potential drawbacks need to be Linking Words
First of all, a desire Verb problem
of having
a flexible schedule and avoid repetitiveness are the key factors influencing young adults to start their own businesses. Particularly, Generation Y and Z which is the majority of young adults in the present time prefer having some excitement in their lives. Change preposition
to have
For example
, it is clearly seen that juveniles nowadays prefer to try out new things and are often bored when there is nothing new in their lives for a certain amount of time. Linking Words
, it is opposite from their previous generations who prefer consistent schedules. Thereby, there is an increasing number of self-employed cases.
Linking Words
In contrast
, many argue that it is a risky choice Linking Words
due to
a lack of stable financial income and Linking Words
impact Correct article usage
the high
business failure. Certainly, owning a business requires a significant responsibility Change preposition
in terms of financial support. Add the comma(s)
, especially
For instance
, compared to working for major organizations Linking Words
there is huge support from companies, Change preposition
in which
, Linking Words
significant impact if go out of business. Add a missing verb
is no
On the other hand
, having your own company, you would need to find a budget, pay for everything and hold responsibility in case of incidents on your own. Linking Words
, despite its numerous advantages, it can be challenging Linking Words
for those with less experience.
In conclusion, the primary forces contributing to Add the comma(s)
, especially
situation are independence and repetitive daily life. Linking Words
,it is interesting to see that more and more juveniles prefer Linking Words
path even though there are various obstacles Linking Words
as high responsibility and a lack of support.Linking Words
Submitted by petchlada.yaovapak on
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