Dear Mr Johnson,
We have recently been informed that our bi-weekly rehearsals in the community hall would no longer be possible. I am writing
letter to you requesting a reconsideration as we are an aspiring group of musicians with limited funds. We aim at mastering the drum and guitar instrumentsLinking Words
while keeping jazz as our genre of music. Our goal is to be the best in Remove the comma
industry over the coming 3 years.
While trying to achieve our ambition, we Linking Words
believe that it is important to serve society. Linking Words
As a result
, 20% of every income we receive is given to a charitable organization, "Educate The Youth", which Linking Words
sponsor the education of the children from tier 3 cities until grade 12.
We would really appreciate it if you could reconsider our permit for our group rehearsals. If necessary we are flexible in moving the practice days to Monday evenings and Saturday Mornings as we have noticed that the hall is quieter during those periods.
Looking forward to a favourable response.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Yukta MuthrejaLinking Words