As global trade increases, many goods including those we use on a daily basis are produced in other countries and have to be transported long distance. Do the benefits of this trend outweigh the drawbacks?

Due to
the rise in world commerce, many commodities that are utilized on a
day to day
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basis are manufactured in different nations and have to be shipped to faraway distances. I believe that
has more positive implications than negative as will be discussed in
essay. Admittedly, transporting goods from one country to another does not come without its drawbacks. One minor demerit is that it leads to food spoilage.
is because the products that are being transported
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a long time to get to the destination country, and as
the goods get spoilt in the process.
For example
, my Neighbor’s products that were moved from Lagos State to Abia State, by road, took more than a week, and, in the process, all the produce was wasted.
, produce
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spoilt when moved to far distance.
, despite the above minor drawback, I believe the advantage associated with the transportation of commodities to a long-distance far supersedes its
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. One major benefit is that it increases the revenue of the host country.
In other words
, the exporting nation has more income being generated
as a result
of the products they export.
For instance
, the income of China has greatly increased because they export commodities globally. So, countries gain more when they transport goods
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long distances. In conclusion,
the transportation of produce to distant countries has some demerits, I believe that the benefit in terms of a rise in the income of the exporting nation far surpasses the drawback of food spoilage. Efforts should be made by relevant authorities to make it a norm.
Submitted by Florence on

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task response
Ensure you clearly address all parts of the essay question in your response. Make sure to provide a balanced evaluation of both the benefits and drawbacks of the trend.
coherence cohesion
Improve the introduction and conclusion of your essay by providing a clear thesis statement in the introduction and a summary of your main points in the conclusion.
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