Science will soon people line upt to 100 or even 200 years. Some belive this is a good thing. While other disagree. Discuss both views and give an opinion

medical science is improving at a higher rate in recent times. advancement of the science and technology lifespan of people 100 years to 200 years. fewer citizens consider
a good sign and the rest of the folks argue that
is not a good idea. In my opinion, increasing age will give more unemployment and spread disease among the community. In
essay, I will discuss both views and give my opinion. on one hand,some communities believe that living 100 or more years will help them to stay with their families for a long time and an extended period of time
, they get more information about the history direct from the horse's mouth.
, they will not miss their friends and family members.
in addition
,the lifespan of intelligent and genius people can be extended which will l[phe their knowledge, guidance and their experience to the upcoming generations.
for example
,in some countries, the longest people will inspire their life stories with us.
on the other hand
, some drawbacks can be identified in the idea of the long-living it will give overcrowded and places will be congested to live
the old public is sensitive to illnesses they might increase the rate of illness spread.
,limited natural resources will lead to scarcity which might cause chaos and wars.
in addition
tradition will lead to a lot of environmental problems like pollution,deforestation and global warming.
, the government will need to do more social benefits for the old families for their illness will affect the economy of the nation. In conclusion, the public may vary in their opinion but science should not go against the law of nature and extend the life span of humans it will worsen the economy and the environment.
Submitted by talluriswarna.ts on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • life expectancy
  • overpopulation
  • natural resources
  • environmental degradation
  • accumulated experience
  • ethical implications
  • social divisions
  • longevity
  • familial relationships
  • financial burden
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