Some people say history is one of the most important school subject. Other people thik that, in today’s world, subjects like science and technology are more important than history. Discuss both views and give your own opinion

It has long been my belief that
is one of the greatest subjects in college, students study the past because many citizens can understand how past societies were, the systems, ideologies, governments, cultures and technologies were built, how they operated, and how they have changed. While others believed that the expectation of future
mainly is occupied by technology and education major.
To begin
with, many people know that 70 per cent of people who served in the automation and education field earned a lot of money compared to one working in the antiquity specialization. In tandem with
, many students flocked to become a scientist.
, I strongly believe that an old-day major can not be less important than any other subject at university. Take an example, the majority of students in Japan learned
in school as well as studied science and automation at the same time. The main reason is that technology has made communication much simpler in recent times.
On the other hand
, it seems that science and machinery offer more opportunities and prospects in the
future, the positive way to study these meadows is that it allows us to develop new technologies, solve practical problems, and make informed decisions fast way. Many populations strongly desire to
based on these majors because
helps many communities to better know and understand other cultures and societies.
For instance
, many scientists in Indonesia do not know about the
of their own country caused of overnight
in the office which leads them to the knowledge of the past so they do not understand how it came to
the way it is now. To sum up, in my own opinion, studying both science and technology
can teach many civilians to understand how the world works and to observe and understand how people and societies behaved and as tools to make communication much simpler in recent times.
Submitted by IELTS B9 on

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