Many people are busy with work and do not have enough time to spend with family and friends. Why does this happen? What are the effects of this on family life and society as a whole?

In our modern society, more and more people have to work so long that they hardly have enough
for family and friends. Two major reasons contribute to
phenomenon, that one is the increase in occupational stress, and the other is the poor
conditions in the city and the long
times. Both of these factors steal our precious family
, due to economic globalization and intensified market competition, employees are facing unprecedented occupational pressures. For job security, employees need to perform well in the company, which always means overtime.
For example
, the leader of a multinational company needs to meet early in the morning, late in the evening or even late at night with a team
that is
scattered in different countries of the world.
As a result
, he/she has no
to spend with the family at all.
, the terrible
eating too much is another prominent reason. In some big cities, people spend hours commuting to and from get off work because the
is so bad.
For instance
, the average travel
to work in Beijing has exceeded two hours in recent years.
means that a person needs to leave the house at 6 o'clock in the early morning and can only return to the family after 8 o'clock in the evening. There is very little
left for the family. Society will suffer when more people come into
a paradox. To illustrate, when a couple encounters
situation, their relationship is sure to suffer, and if the situation lasts longer, it may break down. The couple will
have no
to care for their children. It is a reasonable expectation that divorce rates will rise and teenage problems will increase when the problem becomes serious.
As a result
, society will suffer from these problems and become unstable. In conclusion, high pressure and long shipping times can cause
problem. If it can't be solved, the divorce rate will rise, and the corresponding social problems will proliferate.
Submitted by juntjtang on

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