You forgot an item of clothing at the hotel where you stayed recently. Write a letter to the hotel manager and include the following: – When did you stay and in what room? – Describe the item you left behind. – What would you like the manager to do about it? #item #hotel #manager #– #room

Dear sir , I am writing
letter to inform you about the clothing item which I left in your hotel room . I am Gurinder , resident of ludhiana . I visited Shimla on
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the 4th
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of June with my family and stayed at your hotel Radisson for almost 2 days . We were living on the 3rd floor in room number 302. We checked out from your place on the morning of
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the 6th
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of June. After I reach my destination, I realised that my shirt is left behind in the room . Actually, I packed all my stuff but forget to take a shirt which was hung on the wall of the washroom . It is of Zara brand and is black in colour . There is
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the logo
a logo
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the brand
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on the pocket of it as well as inside the collar.
piece of clothing is very special to me ,as it was gifted to me by my husband on my birthday.
, I request you to please ask your staff members to locate it and inform me on my contact number 1234455. I would really appreciate
Correct pronoun usage
it if
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you could parcel
item to my address
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because I am living in Ludhiana which is far away from Shimla . Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully , Gurinder Kaur .
Submitted by Kaurgurinder1905 on

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