You have a full-time job and you are also doing a part-time evening course. You now find that you cannot continue the course. Write a letter to your teachers. In your letter describe the situation explain why you cannot continue at this time say what action you would like to take

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing
letter to inform you about my discontinuation of the evening
despite my good academic scores and progress in the
as I need to do a job to look after my family's responsibility due to the financial crisis. As you know, I come from a very poor family and I need to pay my parent's medical and hospital bills every weekend. Having said that, I cannot work in the evening I will not get any funds and eventually I will be in a critical situation which is not at all good for my family.
In addition
, I have to pay my huge examination fee which I cannot even think about that considering the other needs.
On the other hand
, I have applied for multiple jobs and looking for a good salary to fulfil my dreams. As you heard, I cannot ignore my family being an elder son and I do not want to run away from my studies as well.
, I would like to attend
during morning hours which can be helpful all the way. If required I can extend my hours in the early morning to complete
early. I look forward to hearing your response to
letter and let us know if we have any the best option other than the above-mentioned one. Yours sincerely, Lakshmi.
Submitted by lakshma999 on

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