Employers sometimes ask people applying for jobs for personal information , such as their hobbies and interests , and whether they are married or single. Some people say that this information may be relevant and useful . Others disagree Discuss both views and give your own opnion

When we are adults, individuals are likely to join the
. At that time, we have to write down our own details to apply for the workplace, whereas others consider that applicants should not refer to their personal
. In
essay, I will discuss both sides of view and give my opinion at the end of it. It is evident that companies want to make a good conversation with applicants.
is because they want to know what personality they have.
For example
, In the workplace, we always build positive relationships and cooperate with every staff.
wants to seek its pros and cons. They are unfamiliar persons. Asking about their leisure activities is one of the key points to know about alicants traits and make them relax.
On the other hand
, there is no doubt that individual
is one of the predictions for the enterprise.
For instance
, some people decide their personality from gender and background. In Japan, we tend to choose the person who graduated good university or not.
, it is fear to involve some victims. To illustrate, a hacker takes their details from companies illegally.
happening rarely occurred.
, it is possible clime for us when we provide our
to the
. In the nutshell, Some people said that it is preferred to supply their personal
when they would like to participate in the
, other people do not need to hand out it. From my point of view, I think individuals should not give their
to film.
Submitted by ryohei.o532 on

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