Some people say that parents should encourage their children to take part in organised group activities in their free time. Others say that it is important for children to learn how to occupy themselves on their own. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

I want to share my view in the discussion about encouraging children in
or allowing them to leave alone.
, I want to discuss the importance of
as it allows us to perform with coordination and sometimes look better than individual performance.
have a slight edge over doing on their own.
For example
, the Developer develops a code per the client's requirement and pushes that to any repository. The DevOps admin collects that code from the repository and pushes it into various Dev, QA, and Prod environments using CI/CD tools, and
the general public can access that application for their purpose. If we observe the above example, it is evident that coordination between the developer and DevOps admin makes the code accessible to the public. If coordination is there among the team members, everything can be possible in all projects. Because of these reasons, parents are encouraging their kids to become team members as it will be helpful in the future.
On the other hand
, so many
have to be performed alone in the outside world,
as Career Choice, some individual
in the workplace etc.
For example
, one of my friends prefers to play Badminton singles than doubles as he believes his performance will be good.
, I want to conclude that both aspects,
as encouraging their kids to perform in
and allowing them to do things alone, are good.
, the choice should make by an individual based on their preferences. The parents must
consider their kid's opinions before forcing them to perform any.
Submitted by niranjanreddy791 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • encourage
  • occupied
  • organized
  • group activities
  • benefits
  • social
  • teamwork skills
  • interpersonal skills
  • friendship
  • discipline
  • time management
  • interests
  • hobbies
  • independent play
  • creativity
  • problem-solving skills
  • self-reliance
  • explore
  • discover
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