It is an undeniable fact that we are in an environmental crisis. It is asserted by many that the use of eco-friendly vehicles is more efficient, while some people find the use of public transportation more convenient. I strongly believe that energy-efficient transport has more merits as compared to public transportation and over the course of
essay will discuss the reasons for it.
To embark on, due to the rise in inflation, the majority of individuals adopt energy-saving rides. The prime reason for Linking Words
, Linking Words
types of modes require low fuel consumption and fewer maintenance costs. Linking Words
, due to negligible carbon dioxide emission, they generate less air pollution and Linking Words
don’t rely much on fossil fuels. Linking Words
In addition
to Linking Words
, youngster prefers private eco-friendly rides because public transports are too crowded these days. Recent research conducted by Oxford University shows that pollution is reduced by 30% in Delhi after the government started using environment-friendly e-rickshaws.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, some people are in favour of public transport. Linking Words
, the majority of energy-efficient rides are expensive and everyone can’t afford them. Linking Words
, public transports are Linking Words
one of the best ways to reduce congestion on roads. If more people start using buses or trains as a transport, Linking Words
there will be fewer cars on the roads, and ultimately that will leads to fewer traffic jams. Linking Words
For example
, in Japan, the government emphasises more on the use of public transit for travelling to offices, and Linking Words
as a result
, congestion on roads is reduced very much.
To conclude, while many still believe that public transports are a more convenient way of travel but energy-saving transportation is in fact the only sound option, both economically and environmentally.Linking Words