You recently attended a meeting at a hotel. When you returned home, you found you had left some important papers at the hotel. Write a letter to the manager of the hotel. In your letter, • say where you think you left the papers • explain why they are so important • tell the manager what you want him/her to do

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing
letter to inform you that I left some important papers when I checked out of your hotel about a couple of days ago. I am hoping that you would be kind enough to send those papers to my address via the postal service. I am Lucas Foster, and I stayed in room number 434 on the sixth floor of your hotel. I am assuming that I must have left the papers in one of the drawers of your TV desk in a hurry when I needed to attend an urgent meeting with some of my clients in the City Hall. The documents that I left in your hotel room are utterly important because they contain all the important terms and conditions, which I agreed upon with two of our new partners to form a new business relationship. The problem is, I can not really remember all those terms and conditions, so I need to get those documents back urgently.
, I would like to request you find those documents for me and mail them to me at your earliest convenience.
, please do not forget to charge the mailing cost from my credit card that you already have on file. Yours faithfully, Lucas Foster
Submitted by purushotham.puram93 on

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Use a variety of complex and simple sentences

You should use complex sentences in your writing, but it does not mean that you should try to make all of our sentences complex.

‘Complex’ sentences are not actually very complex; they are just two or more simple sentences put together. Putting them together makes the essay more coherent and cohesive.


I really want to study but I’m too tired.

I wore a warm coat because the weather was cold.

If action is not taken soon on climate change, global warming will get worse.

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Dear Sir/Madam,
  • I am writing to inform you that I believe I left some important papers at your hotel.
  • To the best of my recollection, I left the papers in the conference room.
  • These papers are of utmost importance as they contain confidential business information.
  • I kindly request that you or your staff check the conference room and securely send the papers to my address.
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