The two pie charts illustrate 6 factors that influence the choice of entering Dorrifod University by two groups of learners from 18-24 years old and 25 years old and over.
, in the first group, "Close to home" is the most significant reason for choosing Dorrifod University, Linking Words
the opposite is true for the segment of "Reputation of teaching staff". In the second age group, "Close to home" Linking Words
makes up the highest part of the chart and the lowest reason is "opportunity to study abroad as part of the course".
It is clearly seen that proximity to home is the reason chosen by over the third of both mentioned groups. Course offered ranks second with figures 35% and 24% among students aged 18-24 and 25 and over, correspondingly. The number of 18-24-year-old students caring about chances to study abroad is threefold the other one, with the numbers of 9% and 3%.Linking Words