The pie charts below illustrate the percentages of people in five different employment situations in the country of Evonia over three age categories: 17-25 years old, 26-40 years old and 41-65 years old.

The pie charts below illustrate the percentages of people in five different employment situations in the country of Evonia over three age categories: 17-25 years old, 26-40 years old and 41-65 years old.
The given graphs demonstrate the proportion of employees belonging to three age groups in a number of distinctive cases in Evonia. In general, it seems evident that the percentage of situations in which those aged 26-40 and 41-65 participate records an equivalent pattern,
a dissimilar figure can be seen in the smallest age group. Regarding the charts, the percentage of circumstance which has at least 100 employees accounts for the predominant share of 17-25
old people, at 39%, approximately twice as much as 22% for those from 26-40 and 18% for people who are 41- 65
, the data for the unemployed situation takes up 15% in the youngest age group and drops to 7% and 8% in turn for the others.
In contrast
, self-employed remains the smallest proportion among the 17-25
group, at only 5%, whilst
figure increases by 15% and 18% in the middle-aged and the oldest category. Turning the percentage of under-10 labourers, which makes up less than a third in the statistics of 41-65
old people and those aged from 26 to 40, is much greater than that of the young adult category, at 19%.
In addition
, the portion of 10-100 employees is stable among the three groups, at 22%, 24% and 21% respectively.
Submitted by lethomnam on

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Introduction: The introduction is missing.
Introduction: The chart intro is missing.
Introduction: The chart intro is missing.
Vocabulary: Replace the words years with synonyms.
Vocabulary: The word "figure" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: The word "percentage" was used 3 times.
Vocabulary: The word "proportion" was used 2 times.
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