Some people believe that protecting the
is the
’s responsibility.
otherFix the agreement mistake
show examples
trust that everyone has a
responsibleReplace the word
show examples
onChange preposition
show examples
ThisChange preposition
show examples
essay I will discuss both points of
viewsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
On the one hand, the
plays an important role in maintaining the
and safety. Most of
pollutionAdd an article
show examples
is created by big enterprises and factories. Only the
has the ability and force to restrict them to control
pollutionsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, the
sets up laws to encourage factories to move to the countryside rather than stay in the community.
helps to protect
urbanAdd an article
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areaFix the agreement mistake
show examples
from toxic gas produced by
Add an article
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plantFix the agreement mistake
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and discharged
toChange preposition
show examples
the atmosphere.
, the
has a
responsibleReplace the word
show examples
onChange preposition
show examples
environmentAdd an article
show examples
, there is no doubt that individuals play an important role in protecting their surroundings. Our
behaviorsChange the spelling
show examples
seriously impact
on Change preposition
show examples
our society. For
instantAdd an article
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, cars are concerned to be a major reason for air pollution. It
relatedAdd a missing verb
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to cars
dischargeWrong verb form
show examples
gas to contaminate the air which
increaseChange the verb form
show examples
the carbon dioxide level.
, people reduce to drive their
carFix the agreement mistake
show examples
and more use
the Correct article usage
show examples
public transportation would
have Unnecessary verb
show examples
some Correct quantifier usage
show examples
benefitFix the agreement mistake
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to protectChange the verb form
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the climate.
In conclusion, the
’s duty protects citizens’ living
protecting our
is a civic responsibility. In my opinion, I believe that the
publicCorrect article usage
show examples
act an important obligation
onChange preposition
show examples
. It is not a single one of the participants
canCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
be dispensed with.