ManyChange preposition
show examples
countries’ one of the main
issueFix the agreement mistake
show examples
is caused by many factors
as migration to improved
, low salaries and redundant
for certain possessions. I think
,Remove the comma
show examples
statusAdd an article
show examples
of the
can be fixed with some regulations by government policies.
The first
is mass migration to industrial
. Even though
,Remove the comma
show examples
, rural people were called for filling
to Fix the infinitive
show examples
space in
workforceAdd an article
show examples
, today, they have been suffering to live in
insufficient work
, in
longCorrect article usage
show examples
termsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, those who cannot find
Add an article
show examples
jobFix the agreement mistake
show examples
to do leads to be
Add an article
show examples
burdenWrong verb form
show examples
and increase the crime
in the
. To handle these problems
should carry out new regulations for migration and rural
citiesChange noun form
show examples
status. They can run some spurring programmes to let these people
to Change the verb form
show examples
inChange preposition
show examples
agricultural lands.
would decrease and people’s workforce can be used more prolific.
The second
lowCorrect article usage
show examples
payments of workers.
ByChange preposition
show examples
some financial
crisisFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, companies may decide to hold or
slightChange the word
show examples
of Change preposition
show examples
workers’ salaries. In
considerableAdd an article
show examples
amount of workers may resign
theirChange preposition
show examples
contractFix the agreement mistake
show examples
because they do not want to devote their efforts
inChange preposition
show examples
bad financial status. These improvements result in rising
of Change preposition
show examples
. Ministry of Working and
should assume these problems. Steady and fair regulations ought to be done and adhered
byChange preposition
show examples
some laws for annual salary
. Some enforcements to companies in order to
defendingChange the verb
show examples
labourersChange noun form
show examples
right may be applied by
governmentsChange the noun form
show examples
The third
and courses for certain possessions.
students study in
the Correct article usage
show examples
collageCorrect your spelling
show examples
and universities, they do not expect that they would be
in Change preposition
show examples
to findChange the verb form
show examples
a job.
, many
cannot plan the need
ofChange preposition
show examples
fields and they may face the facts.
, excessive numbers of skilled workers trigger
the Correct article usage
show examples
. To fix
MinistryCorrect article usage
show examples
of education and
should run
planFix the agreement mistake
show examples
publicAdd an article
show examples
and private
sectorFix the agreement mistake
show examples
. They can close or open new
some Correct quantifier usage
show examples
branches in education facilities which will meet the need of particular sectors.
can find proper
worksFix the agreement mistake
show examples
would reduce.
In conclusion, causes and examples can be multiplied about
is a magnifying
for many countries and problems would be more dangerous in
we have
notAdd the particle
show examples
preventionsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
. 50dk.