It is so interesting that today’s
are aware of the health of their
bodyFix the agreement mistake
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, especially regarding the
level consumed
everydayReplace the word
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. In today’s life, we can see the fact that almost all food and beverage
are selling different types of
that consist of high levels of
in many ranges of
pricesFix the agreement mistake
show examples
. Many
may think
would cause a health problem in the future and the best
is to decrease the demand by making the
more costly. In my opinion,
is not an effective
essay shall highlight my opinion in the paragraphs below.
era, many
are consuming
everydayReplace the word
show examples
. Most of them consume
as a habit or even become a daily need.
, some psychology researchers believe that consuming
is the easiest
to gain some energy.
, most
today will have a cup of
to start their activity but I believe they will put some
in it.
, several
do not like to drink
a Correct article usage
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a Correct article usage
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bitter one, so they choose
a Correct article usage
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with milk or caramel just to get the caffeine. Imagine how much
they have already consumed in the morning. Increasing the price of let’s say instant
will cause other problems, in
case, it could affect
’s productivity.
, when it becomes a routine or a dependency
ofChange preposition
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sweet things, I believe
will find a
to try to get them.
In another perspective, increasing the price of
consumptionReplace the word
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will affect many businesses. Imagine if
method is working, it will reduce the demand
ofChange preposition
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food or beverages offered and will
decrease the ability of
to get their revenues. If we can see,
, in Indonesia, there are so many food and beverage
which are becoming
aCorrect article usage
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largest revenue stream
companyFix the agreement mistake
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and contribute to
supportWrong verb form
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the growth of the economy. When they are not able to sell their
, other issues will come. The worst is when the company experiences some loss and needs to cut off some of
theirCorrect pronoun usage
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, I would say there must be another
to tackle
problem. Selling a high price of sugared
will only affect
behaviorChange the spelling
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and give a disruptive impact
forChange preposition
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