The importance of respecting
fatherFix the agreement mistake
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motherFix the agreement mistake
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by youngsters has decreased in huge numbers, was always debatable, and has now become more controversial. The substantial influence of not obeying and giving respect to
has sparked controversy over the potential
trend on society over the years. It can be agreed that disrespecting your
haveCorrect subject-verb agreement
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, there are a plethora of solutions as well.
essay will elaborate on the problems and solutions and
will lead to a logical conclusion.
At the outset, there are numerous reasons why teenagers are not respecting their
, but the most conspicuous one lies in the fact that they do not have teachings by
and teachers on obeying their
, a big factor that contribute to it, was the movies
watch nowadays. They get influenced by their to do their own decisions
,Remove the comma
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and enjoy their life by their own rules and when
try to stop them they fight with them
,Remove the comma
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and disobey them.
, people living in developed cities usually more disobey their
to villagers.
is because they spend more time with their
rather than
doWrong verb form
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outings with their friends. The cities with educated people mark a more negative
on society by leaving their
to hold houses, where they spent their
days without their
, one of the
factorChange to a plural noun
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for disrespecting
fatherCorrect article usage
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bully or beat their child and afterwards, the kid hates his
, a study published by the University of Manchester, United Kingdom revealed that 80 per cent of the cases registered by the home department related to
disrespecting their
parentFix the agreement mistake
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reasonAdd an article
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that, their
use to beat or bully them. Bully and beating the child,
, play a vital role in boosting hate for their
, approaches to deal with problems of disrespecting
are numerous, but the most effective one is that government should make rules and regulations to halt the realising of
movies that contribute to the negative behaviour of teenagers.
, schools and colleges should arrange seminars related to the importance of obeying and giving respect to
and forefathers.
will help in reducing the cases of disobeying
, a study published by the University of Regina, Canada revealed that in Canada 05 per cent of
the Correct article usage
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movie scenes are being cut from it, because they have scenes related to disobeying their
. Awareness regarding the importance of respect for
, plays an imperative role in reducing the negative
on society.
In conclusion, based on the above-mentioned facts, it can be concluded that the
of obeying
is prominent,
solutions like
should not be beaten and bullied and censoring the material that leads to disrespecting of
should be well handled.